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Guide to the Cats of the World

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Guide to the Cats of the World

Over 100 varieties of domestic cat are authoritatively described in this compact guide.
It includes those recognised by cat associations on both sides of the Atlantic and others still awaiting full breed status. 
Here are familiar Longhairs, British Shorthairs, Siamese and Abyssinians; but also less-known hairless, bob-tailed and curly-coated cats, together with such exotic varieties as the Sphynx, Korat, Mau, Balinese, Turkish, Somali, Rex and Occicat.
Introductory chapters outline the origins and diversification of the entire cat family, then give valuable information on the acquisition, care, rearing and showing of
the domestic cat. 
The specially created illustrations, closely based on fine examples of each breed, show their characteristics and personality.
Both author and artist are felinophiles already well-known for their previous cat books and animal illustrations.

140 illustrations in full colour.

Elsevier International Oxford - 1975 - 176 pag - ( 236 gram )

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Emmen, DR
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